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単語帳だけではなかなか暗記できないときに、その単語が入った長文を ChatGPT に作ってもらい、それを読解したり音読したりして文脈の中で覚えてしまう、という作戦です。本当良く思いつくな、というぐらい素晴らしい学習法ですね!


私:以下の単語を使用して100語程度の英語の文を作ってください。acclaim, intricate, jewelry, intimate, intense
ChatGPT: The jewelry designer's intricate pieces received immense acclaim from critics and collectors alike. Her intimate understanding of the craft allowed her to create pieces that were not only visually stunning but also emotionally intense. The process of designing each piece was an intimate experience that required an intense focus and attention to detail. Despite the acclaim she received, the designer remained humble and continued to refine her craft, constantly seeking new ways to push the boundaries of what was possible with jewelry design. Her legacy continues to inspire a new generation of designers who strive to achieve the same level of excellence in their work.


ChatGPT: The concert received great acclaim due to the intense energy of the performance. The intricate melodies and rhythms of the music created an intimate atmosphere that captivated the audience. Many were wearing jewelry that glittered in the lights, adding to the overall ambiance of the event. The intense emotions evoked by the music were palpable, and it was clear that the audience was fully immersed in the experience. Overall, it was a night to remember, and the combination of all these elements made it a truly memorable occasion.


ChatGPT: 申し訳ありませんでした。以下に簡単な文章をご提供いたします。
The jewelry store received high acclaim for its intricate designs. The intimate setting of the store allowed customers to appreciate the details of each piece. The intense passion of the jewelry maker was evident in every creation. Despite the high demand, the store remained committed to producing unique and exquisite pieces. Each item was carefully crafted and became a testament to the maker's dedication and skill. Overall, the store was a treasure trove for anyone who appreciated the artistry of fine jewelry.


私:以下の英文を日本語にしてください。The jewelry store received high acclaim for its intricate designs. The intimate setting of the store allowed customers to appreciate the details of each piece. The intense passion of the jewelry maker was evident in every creation. Despite the high demand, the store remained committed to producing unique and exquisite pieces. Each item was carefully crafted and became a testament to the maker's dedication and skill. Overall, the store was a treasure trove for anyone who appreciated the artistry of fine jewelry.




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at 2023/03/03 11:24:26